July 27, 2024

What is Image Processing?

Image processing is a buzzword you might have heard somewhere. But, what is image processing? Image processing is a popular technique that is used for manipulating and enhancing images to get desired results. Its use has increased over the past decades and become an integral part of almost every industry, from entertainment to the medical field. In this blog, we’ll discuss what is image processing, what are its applications, and some interesting facts related to it. We will also share the link to a free image processing eBook that will provide detailed information about the technique. 

How Does Image Processing Work? 

There are three steps involved in image processing. These are listed below. 

  • First is the acquisition of images with an optical scanner or camera or digital photos. 
  • The second step is to analyze or manipulate and use the pictures. 
  • The last step is the output that is ready for further modifications or used as it is. 

Applications of Digital Image Processing 

Image Processing is used in various industries. Some of the most important applications of image processing are listed below. 

  • Image Restoration and Sharpening: A widespread image processing application, image sharpening and restoration are used when a user wants to enhance the images to achieve a desirable result. 
  • Remote Sensing: One specific application of digital image processing in remote sensing is to help detect the damage caused to infrastructure by an earthquake. First, the edges are extracted, and the next step is to enhance and analyze them. 
  • Detection of Hurdles: This particular application is mostly used in robotics. It allows robots to identify multiple types of items and then find out the distance between hurdles and them. 
  • Medical Field: In the medical field, digital image processing is used in many ways. Some of the standard applications are X-Ray Imaging, Gammy-Ray Imaging, UV Imaging, Medical CT scans, etc. 

Some Interesting Facts about Digital Image Processing

Now that you have had a fair idea about what is image processing and what are its applications, let’s take a look at some interesting facts about the technique. 

  • Image processing is everywhere. It is used in almost every field. Most visuals that you see on your smartphone are a product of image processing. 
  • Digital image processing is one of the two types of digital signal processing. The other one is analog image processing. Also, digital image processing has numerous advantages over analog image processing. 
  • Many techniques of digital image processing were developed in the 1960s. 
  • The development and evolution of computers, the development of mathematics, and the growing need and demand for a varying range of applications in different fields such as medical, agriculture, military, environment, etc., have led to the development of digital image processing. 
  • Digital image processing uses multiple algorithms for the input data to avoid noise and other problems such as distortion. The same can’t be achieved with analog image processing. 

A Free Image Processing eBook for a Better Understanding 

If you want to dive deeper into image processing, then you must download this image processing eBook. From different techniques used to detailed information about spatial filters, this eBook contains all information that you need to get started. It is free to use, and you don’t have to share any details to download.

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