July 27, 2024
Home Improvement

7 Essential Question to Ask Your Interior Designer Before Hiring

Buying a new house or renovating an old one is a big decision. Buying your first house is a milestone in your life you should celebrate, but the fact is that your work does not stop here. The interiors of your house are the most important and require a lot of your time and effort. You will spend the rest of your life in this house, so make sure the interiors are well designed. It is a good interior designer with the love and effort of you and your family, which makes a house a home. It is said that your energy is an extension of your home’s energy, so make sure the interiors are designed by the best home interior designers in Bangalore in a way that matches your personality. 

A home should reflect who you are and a collection of what you love. As quoted by Albery Hadley, “The essence of interior designs will always be about the people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilised, meaningful environment, and not about fashion and what’s in or what’s out.” 

Choosing the perfect interior designer for you can be a daunting task as you want the space you are going to live in to be perfect. Due to the extensively wide spectrum of options available, you need to make sure your interior designer is the perfect pick for you. Your interior designer does not need to be the most renowned or the most reputed in the city, and they have to be someone who will understand your requirements and space of living. You will only be able to pick the right designer if you have done enough research and vague ideas about your style and requirements. We have created a list of a few things you can do before contacting a designer.

Plan your finances

This is the most important thing to consider before choosing your designer. Talk to your financial advisor, or plan your income, savings, and expenditure. Plan out how much you will be able to invest in this project per month. If you do not think you have enough funds, make a savings plan so that you can start the project as soon as possible. Carefully curate a budget, considering how much you can spend on this and not how much you want to. 

Know your style

Understand your personality and what you would like your home to look like. You can choose a colour palette according to your likes and your personality. Look for inspiration in the smallest possible things. If you have difficulty understanding your style, look for inspiration online, in magazines or even at your friend’s house. Collect some samples and inspirations you like and try to find similarities in them, and you will discover your style. 


Make a mental checklist and priority list. If you are tight on budget, prioritise which room you want to spend more on and make it luxurious. Is it your bedroom, your living room or your kitchen? The second most important thing you will have to choose between is aesthetics and functionality. Some designs are very beautiful to look at but are very low on functionality, and some designs are not as trendy but are very user friendly. Make sure your designer understands this factor and is willing to design it catering to your needs. 

Here are 8 important questions to ask your interior designer before hiring them.

Are you willing to provide your services on my budget?

Please discuss with your designer their charges and your budget. Ask them if they will be charging hourly, daily, or per project. If you are designing or renovating your whole house, ask them if they are willing to charge per project. If you need to renovate one room or a small corner of your house, opt for daily charges. Ask them if their quoted charges include labour, material and service charges or if it is exclusive of something. Make it clear whether you are flexible or rigid with your budget. You can search for the average interior designer budget in Bangalore before finalising the costing.

Do you have your team?

Ask them if they have their team of contractors, carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc. This eases the communication between them as they know each other’s working style and have built a rapport with each other. By this, you will not have to go around fending for labour which will save your time and energy. 

What is the level of involvement you prefer?

Some designers like absolute freedom and liberty and do not want the client to be involved to a large extent. On the other hand, some designers like the client’s involvement in understanding their choices and preferences. To avoid any conflicts and misunderstandings, make it clear whether you want to be involved or not. If you have your designs and need their help with execution, communicate the same clearly before hiring them.

What is your style?

Ask your designer what their style is and what style they have worked on the most. See if this confluences with the style you are looking for. You can ask them for samples and photographs of their past projects to understand their style better. You can also ask them for their portfolio so that you can understand their work better.

How much time will it take?

Ask them the expected date by which the project will be completed. It would help if you discussed the days most convenient for you. The cost of labour and service charges will also depend on the project’s duration. If you are getting your whole house done, you will have to look for accommodation somewhere else. Make sure you are absolutely satisfied with the completion date and negotiate if necessary. 

Do you have testimonials and recommendations?

If you are hiring a designer new in the market, then make sure to check their testimonials and recommendations. Look at their portfolio and the kind of work they have done. If possible, hire them with the recommendation of someone you know to increase trust. You don’t want to give the responsibility of your house to someone you do not trust!

Do you offer post-completion support?

Like every other appliance out there, home appliances also offer a warranty. Some materials used, like veneers, solid surfaces etc., also offer a warranty. Ask your designer if they offer post-sales support if there is some damage. This is important as the warranty availing procedure becomes easier with the designer’s help. 

With the interior designer apt for you, you will be able to seamlessly go one step ahead in the journey of your house. The journey from buying a house to moving in is a long one. Make sure you are very comfortable with your interior designer and have a good rapport as you will have to work with them for a long duration. Be very clear about your expectations and the things you cannot compromise on. Do not let anyone take that dream home away from you. Remember, you can always get the best home interior designers in Bangalore by visiting NoBroker.in

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