July 27, 2024

Top Trade Careers and What You Should Know About Them

‍Are you considering a career in trade? Whether you are looking for a new career opportunity or are just starting out in the working world, trade careers can offer a wide range of interesting and lucrative opportunities. With so many different paths to choose from, you can find the perfect trade career that best suits your skills and interests. From carpentry and plumbing to electricians and welders, there are so many different trade careers to explore. With the right training and expertise, you can gain the skills you need to succeed in the trade industry. Learn more about the best trade careers, what to expect from them, and how to choose the career that is right for you.

Overview of Trade Careers

Most people associate trades with manual labor and blue-collar work, and for the most part, that is true. However, trades also include a wide range of more skilled and highly compensated jobs that most people don’t associate with the word “trade.” There are a variety of careers in the trades, including construction, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and more. 

What to Consider When Choosing a Trade Career

When deciding what trade to pursue, it’s important to consider a few important factors. First, what are your career interests? Are you interested in a more hands-on career, or do you prefer a more technical field? Next, what types of skills do you already have? If you already have some experience in a relevant area, you may be able to save some time by pursuing a career path that focuses more on those skills. Finally, you may want to consider the long-term opportunities in your chosen trade. There are a wide variety of different career paths in the trades, and while some may be more prevalent today, they may not be as common decades from now. When deciding what trade to pursue, it’s important to consider each of these factors.

Benefits of Working in a Trade

There are a number of great benefits of working in a trade. First, many trades provide a good salary. While there are some trades that have low salaries, in general, the salary for most trades is above average. Additionally, many trades provide benefits, including health insurance coverage and pensions, which can make it easier to save for retirement. Many trades also provide job security and long-term career opportunities. Furthermore, trades often offer flexibility in the work schedule, including the ability to work flexible hours and on-call shifts. Finally, many trades offer advancement opportunities, including the opportunity to move into management roles. While some trades may be more prevalent today, they are also likely to be less common in the future. With this in mind, it makes sense to choose a trade that will provide good long-term career opportunities.

Different Types of Trade Careers

When choosing a trade, you may want to consider different types of careers within the trades. Below, we will discuss some of the most common trade types. 


Construction trades include a variety of different career paths within the trades, including carpentry, roofing, and masonry. These are highly skilled and physically demanding careers, and many construction workers are required to have at least some on-the-job training before they are allowed to work on certain construction sites. 


Automated machine operators and electrician jobs are some of the most common workers in the electrical trades. These are highly skilled and technical fields that often require some postsecondary education. 

Hospitality and Tourism 

While not all of these careers will be relevant to you, there are many different hospitality and tourism trades that provide good salaries and benefits, including waiters and waitresses, cooks, and bartenders. 


The transport trades include various types of drivers, including truck drivers. While not a common career path, some truck drivers are self-employed, so they can pursue a career in transport trades while working on a project or driving for a trucking company.

The Job Outlook for Trade Careers

When thinking about the job outlook for a certain trade, it’s important to keep in mind that there are a lot of factors that can affect job growth. For instance, a trade may experience strong job growth during a certain time period, but that growth may slow or even decline in the future. Another factor that can affect job growth is the age of the workforce. As people get older, they may choose to retire from certain trades. Finally, a certain trade may be more prevalent today, but less common in the future. When thinking about job growth, it’s important to consider these factors.

What to Expect From Trade Apprenticeships and Training

The learning environment for a trade apprenticeship and training program is often focused on hands-on learning. This may include classroom training, mentorship with more experienced workers, and on-the-job training. Many apprenticeships and training programs also require you to participate in a cooperative program. In many cases, you will be required to work a minimum number of hours to receive a certain wage and benefits.

When it comes to career advancement, you will often be able to move up through various management ranks. When considering career advancement, it’s important to keep in mind the factors that may affect job growth.

Job Security and Career Advancement in a Trade

There are a number of different factors that can affect job security and career advancement in a trade. For instance, a certain trade may be less prevalent in the future. Another factor that can affect job security and career advancement is the age of the workforce. As people get older, they may choose to retire from certain trades. Finally, a certain trade may be more prevalent today, but less common in the future. When it comes time to make a career choice in the trades, you should keep these factors in mind.

The Importance of Safety in the Trades

Safety is important in the trades, and many government regulations govern how workers must conduct themselves on the job. For instance, many workers in the construction trades are required to wear safety helmets while they are on the job. Furthermore, many construction sites require workers to follow strict safety guidelines. In many cases, workers are required to wear hard hats, follow strict safety rules, and walk on designated walkways. Finally, some workers are required to wear personal protective equipment, or PPE, such as gloves, safety goggles, and face shields.

What Personal Qualities Are Important for Success in a Trade Career?

Whether you choose a career in the trades or another profession, it’s important to consider the important qualities of successful people. Choosing a career in the trades can be a great opportunity to practice the important qualities of successful people, including perseverance, creativity, flexibility, and resilience. When choosing a trade career, it’s important to consider the important qualities of successful people.

Professional Development and Certifications for Trade Careers

There are a number of different ways to stay up to date and advance your skills as a trade worker. While many trade workers choose to pursue additional postsecondary education, you may also want to consider pursuing professional development, or PD, such as continuing education, or CE. In many cases, you can earn PD by completing a course on a topic of your choice or by participating in a professional forum. Finally, some trade worker associations offer certifications, such as the National Institute for Certification in Occupational Health and Safety, or NICEOSH. These certifications can help you demonstrate your knowledge of best practices, which can be helpful for advancing in your chosen trade.

Many trade worker associations offer certification programs, such as the Construction Management Association, or CMA, which certifies individuals in construction management. While certification programs may be a good option for you, it’s important to make sure you choose a program that is appropriate for your career path and industry.


No matter what trade you choose, be sure to choose one that you believe you would enjoy. There are various types of jobs out there, so finding your perfect one won’t be difficult. Take into consideration what you like to do, what you think you would be good at, what would make you good money, and what type of education you might have to pursue. Once you do this, take the leap and find your new career. 

Destiny Clarkson

Destiny Clarkson is a seasoned career advisor with over a decade of experience in guiding job seekers towards their dream careers.