January 15, 2025

Last Minute Tips and Tricks for UPSC Prelims

The month approaching the Prelims examination is a challenging period for aspirants around the country preparing for the Union Public Service Commission’s Civil Service Examination. Although with the exam date approaching, aspirants would have gone over the syllabus, taken notes and revised them at various times during the last year; they get more tense and nervous at this time than at the beginning of their preparation. So, it is essential that aspirants don’t leave their foot off the pedal during this final lap and all of the information they have acquired comes naturally to their minds. 

A robust revision plan is essential for building momentum and ensuring that aspirants peak at the right time. The essential thing to be included in making any revision plan robust is to practice UPSC Prelims Question Papers. In this given article, some tips are given to assist aspirants in revising better and controlling their anxiety before the exams.

Tips for Better Revision before the Prelims Exam

A few days before the Prelims exam, aspirants must start compiling the notes and the study materials. A few areas where aspirants should focus are:

  • Subject management: With the exam approaching, aspirants should focus on reading short notes and aligning static and current subjects. For example, if economics is on one’s daily schedule, divide the time evenly between the current and static sections. It is also advisable to review what the aspirant has learnt over the year. Do not add something new at the last minute in an attempt to cover everything. To take this exam, one must have a particular amount of preparation. This cannot be accomplished by last-minute reading.
  • Focus on revising: In the last few days, for most of the day, concentrate on revising. This should include reading the newspaper, keeping up with current events and editing static information. Revision is the most crucial for scoring well in the Prelims stage. 
  • Focus on the CSAT: Aspirants sometimes underestimate the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT). Many applicants pass the General Studies cut-off yet fail the CSAT. At this stage, focus equally on the CSAT exam as well. Take a few mock tests and review areas such as ratio, percentage and others where questions are frequently asked. Solve previous years’ papers to have an idea of types of questions.
  • Test analysis: Mock tests should not be postponed until the last week. Candidates should aim to solve as many mocks as possible because there is no other way to determine whether their understanding and retention of the topics are adequate. Mock tests are also a great approach to practice answer elimination and intelligent guessing. Spend time analysing post-test results to keep track of the accuracy. Candidates should just not only compare the correct answer against the incorrect one but also consider if they fully grasped the subject and seek clarification when necessary.

Tips to Remain Calm and Focused before the Exam

Thinking about the past and the future will make aspirants apprehensive and worried. Anxiety isn’t going to help. The answer to resolving this issue is, of course, to make the most of the one and only time in which one has complete control. Concentrate on the current moment. Don’t guess what could happen on the day, nor waste time regretting the time already past. Some tips to stay calm are:

  • Concentrate on what is in front of you: Just concentrate on what you are reading and revising right now rather than what topics are left.
  • Concentrate on breathing: Take a few deep breaths every half hour and concentrate solely on your inhaling and exhaling. This will bring you back to the current moment. 
  • Spend time with family and friends: This will help you feel more confident.
  • Try to unwind by meditating or praying: It aids in nerve relaxation. But stay away from social media.

When the exam is approaching, it is important to maintain a list of what one needs to revise. Go through the UPSC Prelims Syllabus PDF to check the topics that are already covered. Brush up on factual information and avoid taking too many tests. Make brief revision notes for topics that are important and those that one tends to forget.

Aside from following these suggestions, make sure to have a positive attitude. Take pauses, be physically active, and engage in activities that promote positive thinking and help keep negativity at bay. Mental alertness and consciousness are crucial in this examination hall. High-level preparations will be futile if the candidates do not know how to deal with stress. Finally, be kind to yourself and maintain your cool and composure.

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