January 18, 2025
Health & Fitness

Know about Slip Disc Ayurvedic Treatment

A slip disc is a spine intervertebral disc that has lost its natural form and/or consistency. The disc’s form changes as its soft inner substance (nucleus pulpous) bulges or leaks through its exterior fibrous covering (annulus fibroses). A herniated, ruptured, torn, bulged, or bulging disc are all medical words that can be used interchangeably with a slipped disc.

What are the symptoms of a slipped disc?

A slipped disc can occur anywhere in your spine, from your neck to your lower back. Slipped discs are most commonly found in the lower back. Your spinal column is a complex web of neurons and blood vessels. A slipping disc can put additional strain on the nerves and muscles around it.

Symptoms of a slipping disc:

  • Pain and numbness, usually on one side of the body, that spreads to your arms or legs
  • Ache that intensifies at night or when doing specific exercises
  • Pain that becomes worse after standing or sitting pain that gets worse after walking short distances
  • Muscle weakness that is unexplained
  • Feelings of tingling, aching, or burning in the afflicted region

What causes slipped discs?

Aging: The disc has a sturdy outside part that surrounds the interior portion. With age, it might weaken and the inner section can extend outwards. This is known as disc degeneration. The wear and strain caused by the disc’s extended years of operation may result in disc degeneration.

Incorrect Posture While Lifting Objects: When lifting large goods, people do not place enough emphasis on safeguarding the safety of their backbone. As a result, the weight of the heavy object will directly damage the disc, perhaps resulting in slip disc or disc prolapsed. People who work in lifting and loading jobs are especially vulnerable to this.

Obesity: Obese persons must have more muscle power to sustain their bodies. Because they may be deficient in it, the load will be placed directly on the discs. This is another cause of disc slip and prolapsed

Fall or Shock: Although it is uncommon, a fall or shock that directly impacts the disc region might result in slide disc. It will harm the disc’s external strong area and may cause the inner portion to bulge out.

Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc


  • This treatment entails the use of several techniques to produce perspiration.
  • Swedana opens the body’s channels, liquefies and dislodges ama (toxins) from tissues, and transports it to the digestive tract. Panchakarma is then used to evacuate this ama from the body (five therapies).
  • Swedana decreases heaviness, stiffness, and coldness in the body and is utilized as the primary therapy for a variety of diseases, particularly those induced by excess vata. As a result, it is a successful therapy for the treatment of slipped discs.


  • Snehana is a sort of ayurveda massage that uses herbal oils to massage the entire body or a specific area of the body.
  • This therapy aids in the relief of pain and other disease-related symptoms.
  • One of the most prevalent procedures for doing external oleation is abhyanga (oil massage). Abhyanga balances and harmonises vitiated vata while also strengthening bones, tissues, and ligaments. It relieves pain and boosts the body’s natural healing capability. Abhyanga also alleviates tiredness and soothes both the mind and the body.

Ayurvedic herbs and medicines for slipped disc

Ayurvedic herbs for slipped disc

  • Shunthi
  • Rasna
  • Ashwagandha
  • Guduchi

Ayurvedic medicines for slipped disc

  • Dashamoolakwatha
  • Bruhadvatachintamaṇi rasa
  • Trayodashangaguggulu

Because therapies differ depending on a variety of factors, including an individual’s prakriti (constitution), visit a certified Ayurvedic practitioner for the best drugs and treatments for your specific symptoms.

Dietary and lifestyle changes for slipped disc patient as per ayurveda


  • Breathing and relaxation methods, as well as yoga asanas such as bhujangasana (cobra position), ardhachakrasana (half wheel stance), ushtrasana (camel pose), and setubandhasana, should be practiced (bridge pose).
  • Include meditation in your daily routine.
  • Maintain appropriate posture and bathe in warm water.


  • Avoid eating large, difficult-to-digest meals.
  • Avoid sedentary behavior.
  • Avoid physical activity after eating.
  • Overeating and prolonged exposure to chilly temperatures should be avoided.
  • Consume cold meals and beverages as little as possible.

How effective are ayurvedic treatment for slip disc?

A case study of a 35-year-old man with degenerative disc disease revealed the efficacy of Ayurvedic therapies in the treatment of the illness. The individual was treated with katibasti, swedana, and sarvangaabhyanga (full body massage). Maharasnadikwatha, ashwagandha capsules, suvarnayogarajaguggulu, and panchagunataila topical treatment were also used. A two-month follow-up revealed a significant reduction in discomfort, inflammation, and edoema. It was proposed that the symptomatic improvement was caused by pacifying the exacerbated vata.

Side effects and risks of ayurvedic treatment for slip disc

Although ayurvedic therapies can assist remove the fundamental cause of a slipped disc, they must be used with caution. For example, nasya should be avoided in people who have excessive secretions from their eyes, nose, and mouth; basti should be avoided in people who have anal inflammation, intestinal obstruction and perforation, and cholera; and ashwagandha should be avoided in people who have severe chest congestion. This is due to the fact that the type and quantity of a cure are determined by the individual’s symptoms and physiology. As a result, before self-medicating with any drug or plant, it is preferable to consult with an expert doctor.


A slipped disc is a typical cause of age-related neck and back discomfort. It can also induce diseases such as sciatica and severe back pain that spreads down the leg. The primary cause of slipped disc is vata derangement and worsening with age. As a result, balancing this dosha can aid in the prevention and treatment of this disease. Ayurvedic remedies attempt to cure the underlying cause of slipped disc by restoring dosha balance and eliminating poisons from the body. Ayurvedic medications, when used correctly, can also prevent illness recurrence, strengthen the body, and enhance general quality of life.

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