September 19, 2024
Health & Fitness

Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma – Is it Effective?

Asthma is a chronic illness that affects both children and adults. Because of inflammation and constriction of the muscles around the tiny airways, the air channels in the lungs become restricted. Asthma symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. These sensations come and go and are usually worse at night or during activity. Other common “triggers” can aggravate asthma symptoms. Triggers differ from person to person, but they might include viral illnesses (colds), dust, smoke, fumes, changes in weather, grass and tree pollen, animal hair and feathers, harsh soaps, and scent.

Symptoms of Asthma

Wheezing is the most prevalent symptom of asthma. When you breathe, you make a screaming or whistling sound.

Asthma symptoms may also include:

  • Coughing, especially at night, while laughing, or during activity
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trouble talking
  • Nervousness or panic exhaustion
  • Chest discomfort,
  • Fast breathing, and recurring infections

Causes of Asthma

Many distinct variables have been linked to an increased chance of having asthma, while pinpointing a single, direct cause is typically challenging.

  • Other family members with asthma are more likely to have asthma, especially a close relative such as a parent or sibling.
  • People who have other allergy disorders, such as eczema and rhinitis, are more susceptible to developing asthma (hay fever).
  • Asthma prevalence rises with urbanization, most likely owing to a combination of lifestyle variables.
  • Early childhood events have an impact on the developing lungs and can raise the chance of asthma. Low birth weight, preterm, cigarette smoking and other causes of air pollution, as well as viral respiratory infections, are examples of these.
  • Exposure to a variety of environmental allergens and irritants, such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, home dust mites, molds, and occupational exposure to chemicals, fumes, or dust, is also known to raise the risk of asthma.
  • Overweight or obese children and adults are at a higher risk of developing asthma.

Diagnosis and types

There is no one test or exam that can tell you or your kid if you or your child has asthma. Instead, your doctor will use a range of factors to assess if your symptoms are due to asthma.

The following can aid in diagnosis:

History of health: Your risk is increased if you have a family member who suffers from the respiratory problem. Inform your doctor about this genetic link.

Physical examination: Your doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your breathing. A skin test may also be performed to search for evidence of an allergic response, such as hives or eczema. Allergies raise your chances of developing asthma.

Breathing tests:  Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) assess the amount of air that enters and exits your lungs. Spirometry, the most frequent test, involves blowing into a device that measures the speed of the air.

Doctors normally do not perform breathing tests on children under the age of five since it is difficult to obtain an accurate reading.

Instead, they may give your child asthma medicine and wait to see whether the symptoms improve. If they do, your child most certainly suffers from asthma.

If your doctor determines that you have asthma, he or she may prescribe a bronchodilator or other asthma medicine. If your symptoms improve while taking this medicine, your doctor will continue to treat you as if you have asthma.

The basics of Ayurvedic medicine

According to Ayurvedic medicine, there are five components that pervade the whole cosmos, including our bodies. Space, air, water, earth, and fire are the elements. They work together to promote health by generating and maintaining a healthy balance of the three doshas that present in all living things.

Illness occurs when the doshas become unbalanced. These are the doshas:

  • Tattva (air and space)
  • The letter kapha (earth and water)
  • Pitta’s (fire and water)

Each individual has one major dosha that is supposed to be stronger than the others. People with a high pitta dosha are said to be more prone to asthma.

Despite its extensive usage, there is little scientific evidence to support the efficacy of Ayurveda. There is some evidence, however, that the herbs used in Ayurvedic therapy may aid persons with asthma.

Ayurvedic treatment and asthma

Have you tried Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma?

Ayurvedic practitioners employ a variety of ways to restore the body to a healthy, disease-free condition. They are as follows:

  • Reciting mantras
  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Herbal usage, both orally and topically
  • Dietary and lifestyle modifications
  • Breathing drills

Ayurvedic practitioners have reported on the beneficial use of numerous herbal medicines for the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic asthma. Argemone mexicana, a common plant found growing wild across India, is one of them. Other herbs to consider are:

  • Cassia Sophera
  • Piper betel
  • holy basil (tulsi)
  • Euphorbia hirta, often referred to as asthma weed

These and other plants may possess antihistamine, bronchodilating, and anti-asthmatic effects.

To assist lessen asthma symptoms, Ayurvedic practitioners also emphasize nutrition, exercise, and deep breathing methods.

Purported benefits

Some minor studies, such as this one published in the International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda in 2018, suggest that the herbs used in Ayurvedic therapy may be beneficial in the treatment of asthma. Other research involves the use of food and lifestyle modifications, as well as herbal remedies. In fact, most researchers recommend the Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma.

Another little research from 2016

Tulsi was proven to be useful for liquefying phlegm and lowering coughs related to asthma and asthmatic bronchitis in a study without controls, according to Trusted Source.

These and other findings are convincing, but they have yet to be repeated in large research populations. Some published research also utilize ambiguous wording when describing the kind of herbal therapies and procedures used.

The bottom line

Ayurvedic medicine is a centuries-old medicinal system that originated in India. Ayurveda is being practiced all across the world. Some Ayurvedic remedies, such as dietary changes or the use of herbs, may be beneficial for asthma, although empirical data on their efficacy is inadequate.

Some herbal formulations have also been shown to include dangerous chemicals such as lead. Ayurveda should not be used in place of modern asthma treatment or without the consent of your doctor.

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