July 27, 2024
Human Resources

Comp off Leaves: Quick Guide for Employees and Employers

Compensatory off or comp off leaves are provided to employees in lieu of the work done by them on the non-working days in order to keep up with deadlines, serve clients, complete their commitments, and other processes necessary for goal accomplishments. It is an entitled leave to employees which is granted on a working day as compensation to work completed by employees on holiday decided by the organization (could be weekend or holiday mentioned on holiday calendar)

Why was comp off introduced?

Comp off was introduced to create a win-win situation for both employees and employers. This kind of leave offers flexibility to employers and keeps everything on track for employers. Employees feel valued when offered compensatory leaves and tend to showcase more dedication towards their organization.

Before compensation leaves were introduced, employees complained about busy work-life balance, overexploitation by their employers, health issues, and considered themselves chained in the pseudo commitment with the organization.

Rules for taking and giving comp off leaves in an organization

There is no one size fits all when it comes to compensatory leaves. However, there are some common rules followed by most organizations:

  1. Employers tend to fix the stipulated time limit for employees to take their comp leaves keeping in mind their comfort and goals
  2. Whether employers work from home or the office on non-working days, they are entitled to compensatory leaves
  3. Comp leaves can be taken along with sick, earned, or casual leaves as per the convenience of employees
  4. Depending on the rules of the organization, hours or day leave is granted in return for the duration of work done by employees on holiday

Things to check before approving compensatory leaves

Generally, team leads, managers, or supervisors are given the in-charge of approving the compensatory leaves of their team members and other employees. But, some points are mandatory to check before approving the compensatory leaves’ request:

  1. Once the compensatory request is received, managers must verify the mentioned overtime in the request with the attendance database saved
  2. Confirm from reporting manager if there is any deadline coming around the compensatory leave requested by the employee
  3. Check the rules related to compensatory leave before approving the request

Impact of comp off leaves on the employee-employer relationship

The concept of trading off the employees’ overtime with a paid leave on another day or what we know as compensatory leave has any day improved the employee-employer relationship and helped in making a happier workplace.

The concept of compensatory leaves improves both the physical and mental well-being of employees. Additionally, this concept lets them feel more valuable to the organization. And what most employees used to complain about work-life balance can be easily sorted out by offering them compensatory leaves. Moreover, it boosts employee trust, loyalty, and retention rate of the organization, thereby ensuring growth and revenues.

Efficiently manage comp off leaves with HRMS Software

Managing the track records related to the attendance of employees, their overtime, and data related to work done by them become easy with HRMS software. Also, sending leave requests and approving them become streamlined and easily accessible for all the employees with software implemented in your organization’s system.

HRMS software with an attendance management module can help you in managing comp leaves by automatically updating the leave balance of employees, updating the payroll system (which is integrated with the attendance management module), and many other processes. Both the employees, one who has requested and the other who has to approve can save a lot of time and hustle required in case of compensatory off leaves.

Start exploring options to implement HRMS software and simplify your processes.

Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar is a Digital Marketing Strategist in a leading organisation. A creative marketing strategist with over 8 years of experience developing digital marketing strategies and guiding business development