January 17, 2025
Health & Fitness

5 Ways to Treat Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids form in or on the uterus and may develop during expectant years. These unusual uterine growths result from an overabundance of healthy muscle cells and are not cancerous. The majority of people with fibroids do not experience any symptoms.

However, the quantity, size, and location of fibroids can all have a role in whether or not they bring about symptoms, including frequent urination, lower back pain, excessive menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and painful periods. Women with fibroids may be more likely to experience infertility and poor pregnancy outcomes. Choose the appropriate course of action based on your current symptoms.

MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery

In this non-intrusive procedure, medical professionals use magnetic resonance imaging to reveal the exact position of the uterine fibroids and eliminate them through a high-frequency ultrasound. If the operation is successful, it can reduce the size of fibroids or permanently remove them.

Embolization of The Uterine Artery

Tiny particles may be injected into the arteries that feed fibroids to treat the condition. The particles form a barrier that prevents blood from entering the uterine fibroid.

The uterine artery embolization is done in an inpatient or outpatient setting. Embolization may be possible if your uterine fibroids are causing excessive bleeding. Shrinking of uterine fibroids may occur two to three months after the procedure and continue over time. However, it is not advisable if you intend to become pregnant.

Interventional radiologists are the doctors that perform uterine fibroid embolization. For example, in uterine fibroid treatment in Memphis, TN, doctors who treat uterine fibroids are board-certified medical experts committed to offering patients effective, safe, and non-invasive methods.

Endometrial Ablation

Minimally invasive endometrial ablation surgery eliminates the endometrium and fibroid. Although the operation stops severe bleeding, it is crucial to note that it only works on particular uterine fibroids.

Endometrial ablation can usually be undertaken without hospitalization. Damage to fibroids and the uterus may be through inserting an apparatus and applying heat into the uterus. The condition and size of your uterus help determine the most appropriate endometrial ablation procedure.

Myomectomy and Hysterectomy

Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes fibroids without removing the uterus. Hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, abdominal, or robotic surgical procedures are some possible ways of removing fibroids.

Some involve surgically killing or removing the fibroids with an instrument put into the uterus through the vagina. Others necessitate the creation of microscopic holes in the patient’s stomach and uterus walls. Morcellation, which divides fibroids into tiny pieces before removal, is occasionally used concurrently with myomectomy.

Medical professionals remove the uterus through a hysterectomy procedure. The treatment provides a long-term solution to the complication of excessive menstrual flow and accompanying fibroids symptoms. Patients approaching or already at menopause with massive uterine fibroids and significant bleeding are the typical candidates for the operation.

A uterine-sparing procedure may not be the best option if a patient’s family has an extended diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Medical professionals may use abdominal incisions or laparoscopy to perform a hysterectomy.

A laparoscope is a method that involves inserting a thin telescope through small incisions in the abdomen. The procedure to eliminate the uterus is a crucial process with risks including infection, blood clots, and bleeding.

Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Agonist

Doctors may prescribe hormone medications to lessen symptoms and shrink fibroids. These medicines that limit hormone production include gonadotropin-releasing hormones such as leuprolide. It shrinks the fibroids, reducing excessive bleeding, frequent urination, and pelvic pain linked with uterine fibroids. For anyone concerned about getting anemia, stopping excessive bleeding is critical.

However, interrupting hormone production may cause menopause symptoms such as vaginal dryness. GnRH agonists are typically only administered for a short time, either orally, sprayed into the nose, or injected. Before undergoing surgery, these agonists may help reduce the extent of fibroids.

Tranexamic acid is a hormone that can lessen heavy bleeding during your period. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen may help relieve fibroid pain. However, they will not shrink fibroids.


It is critical to consult your doctor when contemplating natural or alternative fibroid therapies. Characteristics such as age, health, and lifestyle determine the best course of treatment. Your fibroids’ size, number, and location may also be significant factors. A nutritious diet, stress management, natural cures, and non-pharmaceutical pain therapies may all aid in symptom reduction.

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