February 9, 2025

Thor Hammer Price in India | Thor Hammer for Kids

Thor may be one of Marvel’s most powerful heroes, but without his hammer, he’s nothing. Here are some interesting facts regarding Thor’s preferred weapon.

Thor has been a staple of Marvel for more than 50 years, first appearing in Journey Into Mystery and eventually earning such a following that the series was renamed after him. He was a founding member of every incarnation of the Avengers, has appeared in several Marvel comics, and has two solo films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a third on the way. In short, Thor is a well-liked character.

His hammer, on the other hand, is the unsung hero of many of his tales and exploits. It’s a powerful magical weapon from another dimension, but most admirers regard it as nothing more than a unique piece of armament. They’re so wrong.

Thor Hammer Price in India

Lego® Super Heroes Thor’s Hammer 76209

Age Range (Description)Adult
Cartoon CharacterThor
Number of Puzzle Pieces979
Lego® Super Heroes Thor’s Hammer price in IndiaINR 22,363

Sword Warrior Thor’s Hammer with Base

Manufacturer‎Sword Warrior
Sword Warrior Thor’s Hammer with Base price in IndiaINR 14,397

Thor has been a staple of Marvel for more than 50 years, first appearing in Journey Into Mystery and eventually earning such a following that the series was renamed after him. He was a founding member of every incarnation of the Avengers, has appeared in several Marvel comics, and has two solo films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a third on the way. In short, Thor is a well-liked character.

His hammer, on the other hand, is the unsung hero of many of his tales and exploits. It’s a powerful magical weapon from another dimension, but most admirers regard it as nothing more than a unique piece of armament. They’re so wrong.

To give you a better understanding of just how unique Thor’s hammer is!!

#1 Mjolnir is its official name.

Thor’s hammer in the comics was similarly modelled after and named after the mythological Mjolnir hammer from Norse mythology. Mjolnir actually means “grinder” or “crusher,” which is a suitable name for a hammer that has levelled mountains, fractured the ground, and smashed a few Hulks.

That name can be a little problematic for those unfamiliar with Scandinavian languages and pronunciations, as Kat Dennings Marcy demonstrated in the first Thor film by repeatedly pronouncing the Asgardian weapon “Meuh Meuh.” Myawl-nir is the correct way to say it.

#2 Mjolnir Is a Legend. 

With over 50 years of stories involving Thor and his weapon of choice, Mjolnir has become a unique icon for the hero. The weapon has become so famous and well-known among Marvel fans that it has been used in theatres to replace Thor himself.

“We found it,” a few S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives said in the Iron Man post-credits sequence with just a few seconds of footage, most fans were anticipating the arrival of Thor and Mjolnir on the big screen.

Iron Man 2 is often regarded as the poorest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with far too much world-building for its own sake. That said, there wasn’t a single comic book fan alive who wasn’t overjoyed when this easter egg was revealed.

#3 It Was Forged From A Star’s Heart. 

There are a lot of interesting stories about comic book guns, but few compare to this one.

In its half-century of existence, the hammer has had a couple of different comic book origins. Mjolnir was fashioned in the heart of a dying star by the dwarven blacksmiths Eitri, Brok, and Buri, according to the most current origins, which is also cited in the Thor movies.

Odin gave the dwarven blacksmiths orders to create a new weapon for Asgard. They did this by forging Mjolnir out of Asgardian uru metal, which is nearly unbreakable and comparable to adamantium in terms of toughness, in a magical forge in the heart of a star.

#4 The Earth Was Almost Destroyed During The Forging Process. 

Mjolnir’s forging was arduous. The forces required to generate the hammer in the heart of a dying star would cause the star to completely explode, nearly destroying the Earth.

Though it is never explicitly mentioned, some fans have speculated that the explosion generated by Mjolnir’s birth and the near-destruction of Earth is what caused the dinosaur extinction in the Marvel Universe.

#5 It has a number of magical enchantments.

The enchantments that have been placed on Mjolnir are what make it more than just a truly cool hammer. These enchantments are mostly responsible for providing Thor with his power set. Mjolnir may be a god-like entity, yet he does the majority of the heavy lifting.

The “worthiness clause,” which assures that Mjolnir can only be handled by a truly worthy creature, is one of Mjolnir’s most well-known enchantments. Additionally, the hammer will return to Thor when called (as seen in the climactic battle of Thor: The Dark World), and will be given the ability to summon storm components, open portals to other universes, and a variety of other abilities.

#6 Thor can become mortal without Mjolnir.

Thor is frequently associated with Donald Blake, a human doctor to whom Thor is linked and who serves as a kind of mortal counterpart of the Asgardian hero, switching between the two forms with the help of the hammer. Thor reverts to his mortal state if the hammer is out of his grip and nowhere on his person for more than sixty seconds at various times throughout his oldest Thor stories, as well as the most current ones with Jane Foster, are all included.

#7 Mjolnir was won by DC over Marvel

Thor and Mjolnir first appeared in Marvel’s Journey into Mystery in 1962, as part of an anthology series before being nicknamed after the God of Thunder due to his popularity. Thor and his trusty hammer would have long-term success at Marvel, but an earlier version of them had appeared in DC Comics.

Thor and Mjolnir first appeared in Adventure Comics in 1942, nearly two decades before. Thor was a villain in this rendition, fighting against the hero Sandman, and Mjolnir was referred to as “Mjolnir,” but the Norse deity and his formidable hammer had already appeared in comic books before Marvel.

#8 Mjolnir was developed twice by Jack Kirby

Jack Kirby appeared to have a thing for Thor and Mjolnir for whatever reason. Jack Kirby was a plotter and penciller on the 1962 Journey into Mystery story that introduced Thor and Mjolnir into the Marvel Universe, as well as a writer and penciller on the 1942 Adventure Comics short featuring Thor and Mjolnir.

Kirby regarded the Marvel version of Thor as a means to update and modernise the old gods and heroes he was so infatuated with, something he didn’t think was done very frequently. He updated the myth while remaining faithful to inspiration by creating a heroic character with a powerful hammer.

Raju Shahi

Raju Shahi is a tech blogger and digital marketer with several years of experience in the industry. Contributor @ Yourstory, Hackenoon, Nasscom. He likes to help businesses stay informed and up to date with established and emerging technologies like ERP, IoT, AI, Cloud, and others...