July 27, 2024

Salesforce Custom Application Development: A Short Tutorial

Salesforce is one of the most used CRM applications in the world. And for good reasons… But the best reason is its Salesforce custom application development.

The Salesforce custom application development lets you create your personalized, customized application. This gives the Salesforce CRM software a unified look with your business.

Besides all the best features, it is comparatively super easy to build a salesforce custom application t. In this article, we will show you how you can build yours too.

Salesforce Custom Development Application

Salesforce Development company’s custom application lets your business have its own customized CRM application. The Salesforce Custom development application combines various tabs and tools that work as a single entity.

Different tabs will have multiple functions, and each tab will contain many fields of data entry. You will have to customize all of them to suit your requirements.

Customization of the Salesforce CRM software is very easy. We have discussed it below.

How to build a Salesforce Custom Development Application?

Step 1:

To build/ customize the Salesforce Development company’s CRM software, you must first go to their web page and log in. That is step 1.

Step 2:

In step 2, we click on the top right corner of the screen. There should be an icon with your account name; that is where to click. After clicking, a menu bar will occur. That menu bar has a lot of options with sub-options.

We will click on “apps.â€

Step 3:

After clicking on “apps”, you will be taken to an app page. On that page, you will find many buttons on the top center. You will need to click on “New.†Then select “Custom apps.â€

Step 4:

After clicking on “Custom apps,†you will be taken to a page where you need to give the app name, label, and description. The app and label inputs are mandatory. But the app description is not compulsory. But we would recommend you not to leave any box empty.

Click “Next,†choose profile pictures. Then in the next window, select all the tabs that you want your Salesforce custom development application to have. Then save it.

Step 5:

Go to the user profile setting of the app and add Salesforce users that you want to share the application with.

So that is how you create a Salesforce custom development application.

Modifying the app in future

Can you modify your Salesforce custom development application in the future? Of course, you can.

For customizing, we will need to log in and then go to the app page.

Now suppose you need to render some data entry fields, click “reorder.†For adding new tabs, click on the “+†icon.

No matter what kind of edits you do, don’t forget to save them first.


So that is our short tutorial on how to create a Salesforce custom development application. We hope it was very helpful for you.

Hexaview Technologies

Hexaview Technologies is a Digital Transformation firm providing high-end products and solutions to clients across the globe. We specialize in technology pillars like” – Salesforce, Cloud, AI, NLP, ML, and more.