July 27, 2024
Health & Fitness

7 Skin Cancer Myths Debunked

Every summer people are worried about their skin and the increased risk of getting skin cancer  that the increasing heat can cause. The rising temperatures across the globe are indeed warning signs about the time to come. Australia is no exception, with temperatures rising across this beautiful nation, this already hot country is getting hotter. But even so if properly aware one can protect their skin against cancer. But there are certain skin cancer myths going around which causes confusion among the people, so to debun those claims we collaborated with Sundoctors Australia to bring you the truth and debunk the myths. 

I’m not at risk of getting skin cancer since my daily routine does not include any outdoor activities.

False Claim / Myth

Dermatologists have discovered that short exposure to sun throughout the year could result in serious damage for those who have fair skin. These short exposures can include driving while the sunroof is open or strolling around malls during the periods of high sun – usually during the time between a.m. between 4 and 10 p.m. This exposes your skin to harmful UV ultraviolet rays. The overall sun you get to your skin can pave the way to squamous cancer. Squamous cell cancer is not as bad as melanoma but still you must be cautious as it is the reason for 20% deaths in skin cancer.  

Tanning beds can be more secure than UV radiation from the sun.

False Claim / Myth

The exposure to ultraviolet radiation from tanning beds could cause skin damage in many ways, including wrinkles and sun spots, as well as freckles. For one out of five Americans exposed to this light, it could result in skin cancer. Utilizing sun lamps and tanning beds are dangerous because their UV radiation release can cause skin damage. Dermatologists recommend against tanning beds or sun lamps. There is increasing evidence that they could increase the chance of developing melanomas. If you’re looking for an appearance that is tanned, you should consider using sunless tanning products.

People who are able to tan and do not burn often will not develop cancer.

False Claim / Myth

There isn’t anything that is healthy about a suntan. Any alteration in your natural skin color could be a sign of damage to your skin. The evidence suggests that tanning increases the chance to develop skin cancer. The increased production of skin pigment known as melanin, which causes your skin to turn tan is a sign of the damage. When skin is exposed to UV radiation, it will increase melanin production in order to shield your skin against further harm. The increased production of melanin could result in your skin’s tone becoming darker over the next 48 days.

When your skin alters color after exposure to sunlight the risk of developing sun-related illnesses is increased. The sun’s rays, known as ultraviolet A as well as ultraviolet B radiations (UVA and UVB radiations) are harmful to the skin. This causes wrinkles early as well as skin cancer, among various skin conditions. In time, exposure to the sun for long periods of time even if you don’t burn – may cause skin cancer.

Dark-skinned males and females aren’t at risk of skin cancer and sun damage.

False Claim / Myth

Although naturally dark skinned people are at a lower risk of developing skin cancer than fair-toned folks, this doesn’t mean that it makes people immune against skin cancer. Women and men with darker skin must still be vigilant to shield their eyes and skin from sun’s harmful rays since they could still develop cancers and suffer from all kinds of UV-induced damage. Furthermore, the signs of skin cancer in those with darker skin types are usually not discovered until later in the process which is when it becomes more hazardous.

If you notice a strange-looking lump, your physician is able to cut it off before it develops cancer.

There’s no need to cover up with sunscreen on cloudy days.

False Claim / Myth

it’s a popular misconception that sunburns aren’t possible on cloudy days, however this is not the reality. Even with cloud cover it’s possible that the sun can damage your eyes and skin and cause permanent damage. It is crucial to safeguard yourself by wearing sunscreen even on a cloudy day.

Young and teenage people aren’t concerned over skin cancer. The disease only affects older people.

False Claim / Myth

Melanoma is by far the most prevalent type of cancer that affects young adults aged 25-29. It’s also growing faster for women between the ages of 15 to 29 than males in the same age range. Check your skin regularly and pay attention to any changes in the size, number or shape of skin spots or sores that don’t heal. Take note of moles – particularly ones that have recently changed shape, that bleed or scratch.

The only UVB ultraviolet radiation is able to cause skin injury.

False Claim / Myth

The two types of UVA and UVB can cause sunburns and damage to the skin, which could lead to skin cancer. Choose a sunscreen that protects from both, known as “broad-spectrum.”