4 Tips to Ensure Online Exams are Successful
The worldwide e-learning market is expected to reach USD 325 billion by 2025. Recognizing different systems is now required due to the e-learning sector’s rapid expansion. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has seen rapid growth in online education, exams conducted online and evaluation of exams.
Due to the availability of many online platforms, students sitting at any remote location around the globe can appear for online proctored exams with an internet connection and a system. Many institutions have switched to a hybrid or entirely digital learning model. Due to significant advantages relating to the security of exam content, including test questions, simplicity of marking and administration of candidate results, completing tests online on a desktop, table or other comparable digital equipment has already been gaining common practice.
However, online exams require some setup that makes them successful. Here are four essential tips that may come in handy when your students appear for your exam.
1. Safe Browser
The most crucial thing about online exams is the browser which should be safe and secure enough for the exam. Secure browser technology prevents your students from accessing any other window and can operate only on the exam window.
The security maintains the credibility of the platform’s online exams while the student is taking the exam. It disallows any shortcut keys like a copy, paste and capture of the screen. If the user accesses any other window other than the exam window, warnings are given, and more warnings can also lead to suspension of the exam.
2. Secure Logging and Authentication
Due to the presence of a platform, the users can securely operate the platform where activities like login, logout, answers responses, navigation, access to all options, etc., can easily be done and are securely recorded in the system. The system should be able to store all data of the students and proceed with secure login and can appear for the exam.
Authenticity is the key to all online exams, and everything should be authenticated from/by the system. Anyone who wants to access the exam, be it the examiners or the students, should be authorized. You can also add human elements to the assessment process, such as facial recognition, voice recognition, etc.
3. Online Proctoring
Online or remote proctoring is crucial for all online exams as it does not require an invigilator to be present, and the system does all the work. It records, analyzes, supervises the whole process and ensures secure exam proceedings. Internet proctored exams made it easy for the students and examiners to assess, process and complete the exams at a given time.
Remote proctoring involves various processes, including image capturing, video recording of the exam, live streaming and screen recording. All these processes are responsible for easy exam monitoring. When students are taking tests remotely, this technique is beneficial. With the help of the students’ webcams, the proctor can monitor the participants.
4. Data Encryption
In order to avoid illegal access to question banks, data encryption is crucial. Avoiding result tampering without legitimate credentials also assists, and it is essential for ensuring the privacy of both the students and the examiners. A private method of interaction is also used to encrypt all information between the server and the user. Advanced encryption methods are used to encrypt data that is challenging to decode. By doing this, all parties can interact in confidence.
Exam security refers to actions to guarantee a fair test administration. While taking the examination, participants shouldn’t have any opportunity to cheat. Therefore, the online examination system’s security component is essential for preventing fraud or unapproved access to data. In that case, a secure system for remote proctoring is a must.